Frequently Asked Questions


History Of Electrolysis

Electrolysis has been around for more than 100 years and is the ONLY scientifically proven method of permanent hair removal. In 1875 Dr. Charles Michel discovered through experimentation, that painful ingrown eyelashes could be removed from his patients by inserting a fine wire and attaching a battery. An incredibly thin wire was inserted into the hair follicle and the release of a small amount of electrical current flowing into the hair follicle destroyed the hair forever. By accident, electrolysis was invented. All individuals with unwanted hair could now be helped.

What Is Electrolysis? Is It Safe? Is It Permanent?

Throughout the last 100 plus years, electrolysis for hair removal has stood the test of time. It has become fully recognized by the FDA and accepted by by medical doctors as the only safe and effective form of permanent hair removal.

Electrolysis hair removal is a method of permanently removing individual hairs from the face or the body. A specialized medical electrolysis machine is used to shrink and completely remove the hair root from the hair follicle. It does this by inserting a very fine disposable probe into each hair follicle, releasing thermal or electric energy.

Electrolysis can treat all skin conditions, colours and hair types; including grey, red and blonde hairs. Conditions that electrolysis can assist with include ingrown hairs, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) and other hormonal growth imbalances.

How Does Electrolysis Work?

A very fine disposable sterile probe, about the thickness of a very fine hair, is inserted into the individual hair follicle to the correct depth and a small amount of current is released. This eventually destroys the root of the hair by cutting off the blood supply which feeds the hair starving it of nourishment and nutrients. As a result of this the hair becomes finer with often lighter hair growth and eventual demise of the hair. The ability of the hair follicle to produce a hair is destroyed rather than the hair itself.

What Causes Unwanted Hair Growth?

Hair growth is often linked to genetic factors, and sometimes stress and certain illnesses/diseases/disorders can stimulate growth. In addition some temporary methods of hair removal, certain drugs and medications, or just hormonal changes at different stages in life (i.e. beginning of menstrual cycle, birth control, pregnancy and menopause) can all affect hair growth. Some medical conditions can also cause unwanted hair.

Are You A Good Candidate For Electrolysis?

Do you have unwanted face and or body hair? Are you tired of spending countless hours tweezing, shaving, waxing. Are you in search of a permanent solution? Then electrolysis is right for you! Let us help you get rid of those pesky hairs once and for all. Unwanted hair causes enormous distress, as anyone who has suffered with it will understand, and often brings with it a sense of isolation, low self worth and poor-self esteem. Many individuals have benefited from the tried and trusted electrolysis treatment.

Electrolysis is not the best option if any of the following applies to you; pregnant, have a pacemaker, heart arrhythmias, metal implants,

Treatment Areas Of The Body

Most areas of the body that can be treated with electrolysis are the upper lip, chin, cheeks, neck, sides of face, low hair line, thick eyebrows, between the brows, eyebrow shaping, arms, underarms, between the breasts, around the nipples, legs, thighs, bikini line, abdomen, back and shoulders, fingers and toes.

Very sensitive areas such as inside the nostril, inside the ears, on the lip, and eyelids are not usually treated.

Is Electrolysis Painful?

Electrolysis may feel a little uncomfortable for many people but others can fall asleep during treatment. During an electrolysis treatment a tiny sterile probe is introduced into the opening of the hair follicle. A small burst of energy is released at the base of the follicle and a sensation will be experienced like a tingle, heat or a small zap/sting. Everyone has their own individual pain threshold which can be affected by a number of factors:

1) Individual pain thresholds – this can be affected by health, stress, time of menstruation etc.

2) Area to be treated

3) Strength and size of hair

4) Skin sensitivity

5) Type of current used

You may notice some immediate side effects following your electrolysis treatment. These side effects may include temporary redness and mild itching, swelling or tenderness. Proper after treatment care will greatly aid in the relief/reduction of these side effects. Specially formulated soothing lotions/gels are advisable for after treatment use.

One thing that you can depend on is that electrolysis works, so any minor discomfort is well worth the results.

How Many Treatments Will Be Required?

It is essential to have a consultation prior to your treatment. Many people believe that the hair will never grow back after only one treatment, this belief is actually incorrect. Electrolysis requires multiple treatments as the results are progressive. This means it works (session by session) and after each treatment the hair grows back finer, taking longer to return, until eventually it doesn’t grow back at all. Every person is different and each individuals hair has its own growing cycle and blood supply.

If your unwanted hairs have previously been removed (by plucking or other methods) the hair growth will be much stronger as the follicles have been stimulated with more blood supply. Stubborn, thick hairs will require more electrolysis sessions/treatments then those who have "Virgin" un-stimulated hairs.

Depending on the size of the area requiring treatment, and also the strength and maturity of the hair growth, this will determine the expected length of time your treatment program will take. Your electrologist will be able to give you an approximate estimate at your consultation, but will have a much clearer idea after your treatment plan has started, as they will then be able to monitor your response to the treatment.

How Long Does A Session Last For?

In electrolysis there is really no ‘typical’ treatment as all clients are individuals and a treatment plan is created to suit the individual’s needs and requirements.

Treatments can take anywhere from 15 minutes once a month to up to 2+ hours once a week. Many different areas can be treated in any given treatment session. The treatment plan/frequency is discussed and explained on the clients initial consultation. The clients expectations, time, money, amount of hair to be treated, cause of hair growth, skin type, medical history and lifestyle are some of the important factors that need to be discussed when deciding how long a treatment should take.

Electrolysis treatment session will take longer and be more frequent in the beginning, eventually tailing off to shorter less frequent treatments as the hair becomes less dense, finer, lighter and less noticeable. Electrolysis can be performed in one area or in many different areas in any given treatment session. With the transgender community appointments can be in excess of 4 hours in any one session and are usually initially concentrated on facial hair growth.

Electrolysis Vs Laser

Laser and IPL (intense pulse light) have the capability of treating larger areas however, electrolysis is often used in conjunction with these treatments. While Laser is FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved for hair reduction, Electrolysis is FDA approved for permanent hair removal and is very useful in assisting where laser and IPL cannot ‘finish the job’. In fact, electrolysis, laser and IPL can work hand in hand for the benefit of the client. Some hair may not be treated with Laser/IPL, such as white/red hair, where electrologists can successfully remove any colour hair on any skin tone.

What Will It Cost?

The cost of Electrolysis varies depending on many different client factors. Equipment, experience and skill can also make a difference to the success and result of the treatment as well as the cost. Fast is not always best, as accuracy is key to success. The equipment and probes that each electrologist uses may also play a part in the cost of the treatment as 24 carat gold probes are more expensive than the standard stainless steel probes. The cost of treatments are worked out in units of time from 15 minutes to several hours. When considering the cost of treatments remember how much time and money you spend in a lifetime’s pursuit of hair removal by various temporary methods.

What To Expect At Your FREE Consultation?

You will have a thorough consultation to ensure if treatment is suitable for you and which method is best for you. You will have a chance to ask questions about the treatment. We will discuss with you a treatment plan. Following this initial consultation you should be able to decide if and when you would like treatment to commence.